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King David

Was King David a redhead? Also, did David accidentally see Bathsheba from his rooftop?


Q. Was King David a redhead? Also, do you think he accidentally saw Bathsheba from his rooftop, or was it custom to spend time upon one’s roof?

A.  We don’t know the exact color of David’s hair. First Samuel (1Sam 16:12 describes the young king-to-be as “reddish” or “ruddy” (compare Gen 25:25), but without making any specific reference to his hair: “He [David] was ruddy-cheeked, bright-eyed, and handsome” (Jewish Publication Society, Tanakh translation).  When it comes to hair, David’s son Absalom is given much more attention. Of him it is said, “No one in all Israel was so admired for his beauty as Absalom; from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head he was without blemish. When he cut his hair—he had to have it cut every year, for it grew too heavy for him—the hair of his head weighed two hundred shekels by the royal weight.” (2Sam 14:25-26, JPS). We know from ancient Near Eastern texts and art that long, curly hair was a sign of power, virility, and masculinity.

The story of David’s affair with Bathsheba provides us with a very important detail. At the time when “kings go out to battle” (2Sam 11:1) “David remained in Jerusalem” (JPS). As an ancient Near Eastern king, David was charged with protecting his people, staving off chaos, and subduing the nations (see Ps 2:8-9).

Instead of fighting for his kingdom, however, David was found on the roof, cooling off on a warm Jerusalem day. This little fact is unremarkable. Jerusalem can be a warm place (especially without air conditioning!), and catching a breeze from the top of a building can be quite refreshing. What’s more, as king, his palace would have been taller than many of the surrounding buildings—an architectural fact that facilitated David’s voyeurism. Whether he “accidentally” saw Bathsheba is not clear from the story. What is clear, however, is that, by neglecting the call to war and by staying in Jerusalem, David ironically made himself vulnerable to other dangers.

  • Michael J. Chan

    Michael Chan is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, MN. He is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran University (BA), Luther Seminary (MA in Old Testament), and Emory University (PhD). In addition to many articles and essays, Chan is also the author of The Wealth of Nations: A Tradition-Historical Study (2017) and coauthor of Exploring the Bible (2016).