Q. Was King David a redhead? Also, do you think he accidentally saw Bathsheba from his rooftop, or was it custom to spend time upon one’s roof?
A. We don’t know the exact color of David’s hair. First Samuel (
The story of David’s affair with Bathsheba provides us with a very important detail. At the time when “kings go out to battle” (
Instead of fighting for his kingdom, however, David was found on the roof, cooling off on a warm Jerusalem day. This little fact is unremarkable. Jerusalem can be a warm place (especially without air conditioning!), and catching a breeze from the top of a building can be quite refreshing. What’s more, as king, his palace would have been taller than many of the surrounding buildings—an architectural fact that facilitated David’s voyeurism. Whether he “accidentally” saw Bathsheba is not clear from the story. What is clear, however, is that, by neglecting the call to war and by staying in Jerusalem, David ironically made himself vulnerable to other dangers.